Company History |
Historical Events |
1914 | Founded K Sakai & Company | World War I Begins |
1918 | The structure of company was transformed to a general partnership | World War I Ends |
1937 | Opened offices in Shanghai, Dalian & Qingdao China | Golden Gate Bridge opens in San Francisco |
1953 | Opened Tokyo Liaison Office | The first Chevrolet Corvette is built in Flint, Michigan |
1966 | Opened Los Angeles Liaison Office | Star Trek TV Show Premiers |
1971 | Opened New York Liaison Office | Walt Disney World opens in Orlando, Florida |
1972 | Calsak Corporation is established in Los Angeles, California | Dow Jones closes above 1000 for the first time |
1986 | Corporate Head Quarters moved to Compton, California and opens sales office in Houston, Texas | Hands Across America, 5 million people form a human chain from New York to Los Angeles to combat hunger and homelessness |
1990 | Established a Joint Venture Company for manufacturing Acrylic Sheets in Mexico (Plastiglas de Mexico) | Hubble Space Telescope is put into orbit by NASA |
1994 | Established a Joint Venture Company for manufacturing Color Concentrate and Masterbatch in Torrance, California (OK Color America) | North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was signed by USA, Mexico and Canada |
1997 | Established a Joint Venture Company for manufacturing Acrylic Sheets in Guangzhou, China (Cho Chen China) | Steve Jobs returns to lead Apple Computers |
1998 | Calsak Corporation opens sales office in Seattle, Washington | Google is launched |
2005 |
Divested Semi-Finished Plastic Shapes business to focus greater attention to the growth of our core business; polymers, colorants, chemicals & specialty materials
Relocated Corporate Head Quarters to Gardena, California |
YouTube is launched |
2012 | Calsak Corporation celebrates 40 years | President Barack Obama re-elected to 2nd term as President of USA |
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